GEA’s Plug & Play ovens streamline bakery installation and production

For bakers, efficiency and minimizing production downtime are critical in today’s competitive market. GEA has developed an innovative Plug & Play oven system that allows for pre-assembly of oven modules at their Verona, Italy production facility prior to installation at the customer’s site.

GEA's Plug & Play oven system

For bakers, efficiency and minimizing production downtime are critical in today’s competitive market. GEA has developed an innovative Plug & Play oven system that allows for pre-assembly of oven modules at their Verona, Italy production facility prior to installation at the customer’s site.

“The Plug & Play design speeds up on-site installation dramatically by reducing assembly time, thereby minimizing production downtime,” explained Mario Da Ros, GEA’s Senior Director of Project Management. “Pre-assembling the oven modules at our facility ensures a high-quality, precision installation.”

Engineering time-savings

In developing the Plug & Play system, GEA engineers analyzed the installation of a typical 65m long x 1.2m wide oven. Factoring variables like the conveyor, fuel system and heating type, they estimated a disassembled oven installation would require approximately 45 days. With the pre-assembled Plug & Play approach, that timeline shrinks to just 20 days for the mechanical assembly and electrical connections.

Validated benefits

The time-saving benefits were validated during a recent 124m x 1.6m oven installation in Indonesia. “We were able to stage all 58 pre-assembled modules in just five days, allowing our electrical and mechanical teams to work simultaneously – significantly accelerating the installation,” noted Gianluca Dolci, GEA Senior Director of Project Execution. “That 124m oven installed in four weeks instead of eight.”

Cost reductions

Pre-assembly reduces on-site labour costs by requiring fewer personnel, particularly specialized trades. It also enhances safety by eliminating rock wool insulation handling, lowering PPE needs and isolation requirements.

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