Pioneering sustainability tool unveiled for brewing industry

A groundbreaking digital tool designed to simplify sustainable decision-making for brewers has been unveiled by IFF, a global leader in food and beverage, home and personal care, and health sectors. The Sustainability Brewing Calculator, an online resource, demonstrates how alterations to raw material inputs can result in significant reductions in water consumption, energy usage, CO2 emissions, and land utilisation.

beer brewery

Addressing industry challenges

The brewing industry has long grappled with sustainability issues, particularly concerning energy and water consumption. This innovative calculator aims to address these challenges by providing brewers with precise, easily comprehensible data on the benefits of sustainable raw materials.

Karine Dedman, marketing category manager for Brewing and Distilling Enzymes at IFF, explained: “Our new calculator empowers brewers with precise, easy-to-understand data on the benefits of sustainable raw materials. It clearly outlines potential savings of adjusting the raw materials mix.”

The Sustainability Brewing Calculator employs Life Cycle Assessment methodology and available sustainability data to simulate adjustments in brewing recipes. By inputting basic information, users can obtain a comprehensive view of how proposed changes might impact their beer production’s environmental footprint.

The calculator’s dashboard quantifies sustainability benefits in tangible terms, either per annum or per unit of beer production (hectolitres or BBL). These benefits are presented in relatable comparisons, such as:

  • Water savings in litres, compared with Olympic-sized swimming pools
  • Energy savings in kWh, compared with household energy requirements
  • CO2e savings in kWh, compared with trees planted
  • Land use savings in square kilometres, compared with football pitch areas

Empowering informed decision-making

The tool is designed to deliver actionable data, assisting brewers in making informed decisions that benefit both their businesses and the environment. By adjusting recipes to include a higher percentage of locally sourced raw materials, brewers can potentially reduce costs, support local agriculture, and minimise overall environmental impacts.

Todd Krieger, Sustainable Solutions director at IFF, commented on the company’s commitment to innovation: “IFF is dedicated to pioneering innovations that help our customers succeed in their markets, and do so responsibly. Our Sustainability Brewing Calculator is a testament to our ongoing commitment to providing solutions that support sustainability at every level of operation.”

Proven efficacy and practical application

The Sustainability Brewing Calculator has already demonstrated its efficacy, having assisted several breweries in implementing successful changes based on scientifically sound and practically viable recommendations. These implementations have led to significant operational improvements and cost savings.

Upon inputting their data and testing various scenarios, brewers can download a comprehensive report containing the results of their simulations. This report also includes a guide to IFF’s enzymatic solutions, such as LAMINEX® for reducing viscosity and improving downstream beer filtration, AMYLEX® for ensuring fast and efficient starch conversion, and BCLEAR™ for robust stabilisation.


Alignment with broader sustainability goals

The launch of this calculator aligns with IFF’s broader commitment to sustainability, which seeks to address global challenges such as climate change and resource scarcity. By providing brewers with a tool that simplifies sustainable decision-making, IFF is contributing to the industry’s efforts to reduce its environmental footprint and operate more responsibly.

The Sustainability Brewing Calculator represents a significant advancement in the brewing industry’s pursuit of sustainable practices. By providing clear, quantifiable data on the environmental impacts of raw material choices, this tool empowers brewers to make informed decisions that can lead to substantial reductions in resource consumption and emissions.

Access the Brewing Calculator

IFF invites all brewing professionals to explore how the calculator can make a difference in their production processes and environmental footprint. The IFF Sustainability Brewing Calculator is available now and can be accessed online here.