Revyve unveils innovative egg replacer for plant-based burgers

In a significant development for the food technology sector, Dutch company revyve has introduced a novel egg replacement ingredient specifically designed for plant-based burgers.

The company made the announcement ahead of its planned launch at IFT FIRST 2024, positioning the product as a solution to remove animal-derived texturisers and additives from burger formulations whilst maintaining the desirable meaty bite.

revyve introduces a novel egg replacement ingredient specifically designed for plant-based burgers

A clean label alternative

The new ingredient, derived from upcycled brewer’s yeast, represents a breakthrough in clean label formulation. Revyve claims it is the first such product to be available on a broad commercial scale, offering food manufacturers a way to simplify ingredient lists without compromising on texture or mouthfeel.

Cedric Verstraeten, CEO of revyve, emphasised the product’s sensory appeal: “The science-backed ingredients revyve has pioneered produce the sensory appeal that consumers want in burgers. Revyve delivers the meatiness and juicy firmness that cater to consumer appetites.”

Functional properties

From a food science perspective, the egg replacer’s functionality is particularly noteworthy. Dr Edgar Suarez Garcia, Revyve’s Chief Technology Officer and Co-founder, explained the product’s behaviour: “When burger producers ask how revyve performs, we explain that it behaves like egg whites. When cooked in a patty mixture, revyve becomes firm yet springy, forming a binding network around the other ingredients.”

The company reports that their ingredient offers exceptional heat-set gelling, binding, and emulsification properties. It purportedly allows burgers to retain water and oil at both hot and cold temperatures, whilst also facilitating browning and sizzling on the grill.

Dr Suarez Garcia further highlighted a key advantage for formulators: “Manufacturers appreciate that when paired with other ingredients, revyve can eliminate the need for methylcellulose, which has numerous functional and labelling downsides.”

Sustainable production

Revyve’s production method aligns with growing industry trends towards sustainability and upcycling. The company utilises brewer’s yeast, a co-product from beer manufacturing, as its raw material. This approach not only reduces waste but also contributes to a more circular food production system.

The processing method is described as chemical-free and minimally processed, resulting in a clean-label product that may help manufacturers shorten their ingredient lists. Verstraeten emphasised this point, stating: “Sustainability is a way of life at revyve. So, it only makes sense that our proprietary production method steers clear of chemicals and harsh processing.”

Market positioning

In terms of market positioning, revyve claims its egg replacer is price-competitive with conventional eggs. This factor, combined with the product’s functional properties and clean-label status, has reportedly attracted interest from numerous food manufacturers looking to reformulate existing products or develop new ones.

The company also touts the ingredient’s manufacturing-friendly nature, suggesting it can be easily incorporated into standard processing equipment. Moreover, revyve asserts that the product complies with all international regulatory requirements, a crucial factor for food scientists considering its adoption.

While the current product launch focuses on an all-natural, non-GMO ingredient, revyve has hinted at further innovations in the pipeline. Verstraeten said: “There’s more to come in Q3 2024 when we release our gluten-free, allergen-free ingredients.” This suggests that food scientists may soon have access to an even broader range of functional, clean-label egg replacers from the company.

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