Ion analysis gets a versatile and user-friendly upgrade

Thermo Fisher Scientific has unveiled a new ion chromatography system aimed at simplifying ion analysis across a variety of samples and applications.

Thermo Scientific Dionex Inuvion Ion Chromatography

The Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ Inuvion™ Ion Chromatography (IC) system is designed to be highly reconfigurable, allowing food science labs to adapt the instrumentation to changing analytical needs.

As concerns grow over contaminants in food products, having reliable ion analysis capabilities is paramount for quality control and food safety testing. The Dionex Inuvion IC system provides food testing labs with a flexible platform for determining ionic compounds and other small polar molecules in finished products as well as raw ingredients.

Modular configuration enables easy modification

The key innovation is the system’s modular configuration that enables easy modification of the analytical workflow. Featuring new advanced pump technology, the Inuvion delivers high resolution, high throughput, and reproducible results across applications. User-installable accessories further expand the capabilities to handle diversifying sample types.

The system’s small footprint and intuitive software help boost productivity for labs of any size. As the pioneers of ion chromatography, Thermo Fisher has continued advancing the technology based on industry needs for more efficient, sensitive, and versatile ionic analysis capabilities.

User-friendly solution for multi-analyte testing

For food scientists tasked with multi-analyte testing across diverse sample matrices, the Dionex Inuvion IC system provides a flexible and user-friendly solution for reliable ion determination. The system’s unique configurability positions it to be a future-proof investment as analytical requirements evolve.

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