Nutritional labelling and an opportunity for food manufacturers

Over the past two decades, nutritional labelling on food packaging has become increasingly important from a customer and a consumer perspective. It’s clear that consumer sentiment around improving health coupled with a food industry desire to support that agenda have combined to catalyse change.

There has been increasing global interest in nutritional labelling as a policy tool through which governments can guide consumers to make healthier eating choices. In many ways, the UK and Europe have led that charge .

A differentiated regulation picture between the UK and Europe and within Europe has been splintering between countries for the past decade. This has led to degrees of discord in the way nutritional information has been relayed to the consumer. Prospects of harmonisation are keenly anticipated, despite challenges. The major issue for (Pan-European) food companies, especially those that operate across the UK and EU, is the chequer board of systems being used in the European Economic Area (EEA).

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Integer risus sapien, eleifend vitae bibendum eu, cursus at sem. Phasellus sodales nisi sapien, convallis porttitor lectus accumsan at. Aenean vitae suscipit mauris, quis viverra sem. Donec faucibus vitae orci a fermentum. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.

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