food systems

Call for a united front as global health takes a stake in the UN Food Systems Summit

food systems

Food systems are interconnected with regards to global challenges such as hunger, climate change, poverty, and inequality. The response from food systems actors globally must be equally connected. This is the message in an article published in the Lancet online, where leaders from the Johns Hopkins University, the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN), and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), have joined forces in expressing a strong call to action for food and health communities to work together.

Jessica Fanzo, Director, Johns Hopkins Global Food Ethics and Policy Program says: “It is imperative that our health sectors and health partners join us in transforming the food systems for those that are undernourished, particularly older, vulnerable and marginalized people.” She continues: “To have a healthy planet, we need everyone to have a healthy diet.”

Talking about how health systems and food systems are interconnected, Lawrence Haddad, Executive Director of GAIN and 2018 World Food Prize Laureate, says: “We already know that good nutrition is the foundation for a healthy life, which in turn leads to healthy and thriving communities. By working together and combining our knowledge there is a real opportunity now to support the transformation of food systems, securing healthy and nutritious diets for all.”

José Rosero Moncayo, Director of FAO Statistics Division, FAO says: “Without the actors in global health we cannot achieve healthy diets on our plates and nor can we achieve sustainable agricultural practices.” He adds: “It is crucial that we work together with health system actors in shaping healthy communities.”

With the UN Food Systems Summit starting on 23 September, the joint statement points to a real opportunity to advance cooperation between the global health sectors and stakeholders and increase research and innovation for safe, nutritious, affordable, and accessible food for all.

As stated in the Lancet article: “An interconnected systems approach with equity and human rights at the core is essential to achieve health, food, and environmental goals simultaneously. The health community has a vested stake in this approach, and what happens during and after the Summit.”

Haddad adds: “Transforming food systems requires all hands on deck from all the stakeholders to achieve both safe, nutritious and healthy food for all. The Food Systems Summit and its related events such as the ‘Youth is the Future’ event and ‘Zero Hunger Private Sector Pledge’ are key to achieving this.”

tna solutions launches tna remote assist service at SNAXPO

Leveraging augmented reality to offer enhanced digital support, globally


tna remote assist service

A tna engineer providies technical support using the tna remote assist service.


Global food processing and packaging technology specialist, tna, has launched its new tna remote assist service: a digitally enhanced customer experience, delivering greater efficiencies in commissioning, support and training, with real-time access to tna’s global team of experts.

Harnessing the power of the Microsoft HoloLens 2 headset, the tna remote assist service enables real-time access to connect and collaborate with tna engineers virtually and leverages AR (augmented reality) to accurately address technical queries. Offering remote access for commissioning, troubleshooting, training and support, the innovative new service takes service provision to the next level, giving food manufacturers the tailored support they need to keep lines operating smoothly, wherever they are in the world.

The new digital service has been developed as part of tna’s endeavours to offer innovative solutions to address food producers’ needs. It also takes into account recent concerns surrounding travel restrictions and the health and safety of both on-site staff and visiting tna technicians.

We see what you see

tna remote assist leverages augmented reality to allow project managers and engineers to contact a tna expert and share what they see in real-time using the latest HoloLens 2 headset. During the equipment commissioning stage, this means tna experts can view the proposed production site and provide tailored advice on the most appropriate solution to meet their requirements. With this convenient, easy-to-use service, companies no longer need to wait for on-the-ground commissioning visits to confirm that a food processing or packaging solution is suitable for their operation, streamlining the commissioning process and avoiding the risk of any potential delays caused by geographical constraints.

Rapidly resolve technical issues

Following equipment delivery, the tna remote assist service enables technicians to virtually guide the engineers through the installation, training or troubleshooting process, using AR to indicate precisely what actions to take. The result is fast, efficient, highly-accurate support, and it allows customers to connect directly to the relevant tna expert for specific servicing enquiries.

“Giving customers the option to schedule calls on-demand from anywhere in the world, the tna remote assist service ensures all project scoping and servicing activities can be conducted precisely when needed, reducing downtime for a more resilient and profitable production line,” comments Alf Taylor, Managing Director and CEO at tna. “This means faster, stress-free equipment purchasing, easier installation, increased uptime and valuable savings in maintenance costs and resources for years to come.”

Beyond problem-solving

The digital, on-demand nature of tna’s remote assist service allows vital repairs to be conducted remotely, while also giving isolated sites access to industry-leading training and testing, including streamlined site and factory acceptance tests.

Alf continues: “The new tool opens up a whole host of innovative possibilities for the post-pandemic world. It enables improved communication between teams working across different locations and time zones, significantly reducing the costs associated with physically sending technicians between sites and most importantly, ensures their safety.”

More info

New sophisticated simulation models can help reduce yogurt spoilage by yeast

yoghurt spoilage

Spoilage of yogurt by yeast poses a problem for the dairy industry that includes economic losses from wasted product. Understanding the effects of factors such as storage conditions, yeast species, and bioprotective cultures on yeast spoilage can help yogurt producers make decisions that improve quality and minimize loss. In an article appearing in the Journal of Dairy Science, scientists from the University of Copenhagen, Chr. Hansen A/S, and Cornell University developed predictive models that evaluate the effects of a bioprotective culture on yogurt spoilage.

Between 11% and 25% of dairy products are wasted globally, in part due to fungal spoilage. One method to reduce fungal spoilage is to add food cultures known to have bioprotective effects that delay growth of unwanted microorganisms during shelf life. The authors of this study were the first to develop Monte Carlo simulation models to estimate yogurt spoilage caused by yeast that included the initial contamination level, different yeast species, storage conditions, and the addition of food cultures with bioprotective effects.

“These predictive models allowed for prediction of yogurt spoilage caused by different yeast species, as well as the effect of including bioprotective culture in a yogurt product to reduce yeast spoilage,” said first author Line Nielsen, PhD, Department of Food Science, University of Copenhagen, Frederiksberg, Denmark. “Such models can help yogurt producers understand how different parameters influence product quality and use these results to support decision making in yogurt quality management.”

Four common spoilage yeast strains

The models from this study are able to predict the amount of spoiled product when four common spoilage yeast strains are present in a production (Debaryomyces hansenii, Yarrowia lipolytica, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and Kluyveromyces) at different storage temperatures, with or without a bioprotective culture containing Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus over a 30-day storage period. Although the researchers found the effect of the bioprotective culture was most pronounced at 7 degrees Celsius for all yeasts compared to 16 degrees Celsius, the yeast strain had the largest effect of the efficacy of the bioprotective culture. The Monte Carlo models were validated with actual data from a European dairy.

Nielsen added: “If a dairy has a problem with a yeast strain known to have a similar growth-inhibition pattern in the presence of a bioprotective culture as one of the yeast strains tested in this study, the data from this strain can be used in the model to predict an expected spoilage level relevant for the specific dairy; therefore, the predictive model can be used as a tool that allows the industry to better evaluate the potential of improving control of fungal soilage by using bioprotective cultures at specific production settings.”

Valuable tool

The study presents a valuable tool to assist in management decisions that can help to reduce economic losses due to food waste.

Additionally, the methods used for model development can be used further for creating new and improved models.

Recycling: Filtrox shredder configured to reduce volume of layered filter residues by more than 90 percent

Filtrox shredder

Filtrox AG has redesigned their recycling shredder to make it more efficient and to fit into confined spaces.

Filtrox, a globally operating company based in the Swiss town of St. Gallen, develops and produces layered filters of various shapes and sizes for use in food production as well as in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries. Offcuts produced during the cutting process were previously shredded using two machines and then transported away via chutes to either side of the shredding plants, both of which had two containers for this purpose. However, this solution required an enormous amount of space, which considerably impeded the work processes.

The company therefore sought an alternative option and found what it was looking for at Erdwich Zerkleinerungs-Systeme GmbH: The company from Igling in Bavaria adapted a model for cardboard shredding to the confined conditions on site in such a way that the two newly installed plants require less space overall and the volume of filter material residues is now reduced by more than 90 per cent. In this way, emptying of the directly connected collection container is also less frequent.

Filter layers perform complex tasks in the chemical, food and life science industries by removing a wide variety of particles from liquids, depending on the purpose for which they are used. For example, they ensure that the cork taste disappears from wine and turbidity from beer and are used to purify extracts or fermentation broths that are subsequently processed in the flavouring industry or for pharmaceutical purposes.

“To achieve this effect, the filter layers used for depth filtration consist of a cellulose or polymer fibre matrix,” explains Dennis Haag, Head of Engineering and Maintenance, at Filtrox. “The matrix is enriched with mineral filter aids and bonded together via a resin binder.”

Modification for confined spaces

Although the material thickness of the filter layers is only between 3.2 and 4.6 mm on average, the efficient shredding of the materials is a challenge. “Since the filter layers consist of a very dense, fibrous material, it is essential to take this into account when designing the plant,” reports Harald Erdwich, Managing Director of Erdwich Zerkleinerungs-Systeme. “Otherwise, the filter layers may not be drawn in properly by the knives with the result that the machine may consequently work inefficiently.” Another problem was the lack of space in Filtrox’s production hall. The new plants, which were to replace the two machines previously used, therefore required a particularly compact design so that the work processes would be inhibited as little as possible. This applies, for example, to the collection containers, which have to be removed regularly and replaced by empty containers.

After material tests in their in-house Technical Centre and evaluation of the space conditions, the Erdwich experts decided to modify the FKZ fine cardboard shredder for use at Filtrox. While the previous FKZ1300 and FKZ1600 models are relatively large with cutting unit sizes of 1,278 and 1,616 mm respectively, a much smaller version had to be developed for filter layer shredding. Due to the limited space available, the two FKZ200s used at Filtrox have a very small cutting unit with a width of approximately 200 mm and specially adapted hoppers, as well as a low drive power of 2.2 kW each. The filter trimmings, fed directly from the processing machine, have a width of between 10 and 50 mm, depending on the product. Thus, a throughput of about 140 kg/h can be achieved per shredding plant.

Ripper blades improve feed ratio

Filtrox shrdder ripper blades

“Another reason for the high throughput is the knife system,” explains Erdwich. “Ordinary knives are often not able to grip some materials properly, so that manual help, for example with a manual feed press, is required. This problem does not occur with the ripper blades, because they have a better grip on the material and thus achieve a more efficient feed behaviour.”

The integrated comb ensures that the material does not wrap around the cutting rotor and can be shredded without problems. In the subsequent shredding process, the filter layers are not so much cut as torn apart, which happens regardless of the material: The blade insertion sequence does not have to be adapted for different types of filter layer, but works equally well for all types.

After the material has been shredded to a size of about 20 x 50 mm, it is transported by a screw conveyor with a drive power of 1.1 kW into a collecting container with a capacity of about 1000 litres. The entire shredding and collection process takes place in a very confined space. The compact design not only facilitates exchanging the containers, but also makes the machine very easy to maintain, for example, by allowing easy cleaning of the built-in sieve.

Volume reduction of up to 97 percent

Filtrox now also saves space through the shredding process itself. This is because it was possible to reduce the volume of the filter layers by approximately 97 percent by commissioning the new plants. This means that the collection container has to be emptied less often, saving valuable working time. The shredded material is then processed further.


Unilever partners with ENOUGH for plant-based meat products



Unilever has partnered with food-tech company ENOUGH (formerly 3F BIO) to bring new plant-based meat products to market.

ENOUGH grows non animal protein by fermenting fungi using renewable feedstocks to grow the most sustainable source of food protein. This produces what the company calls ABUNDA mycoprotein, a complete food ingredient containing all essential amino acids as well as being high in dietary fibre. It is versatile and can be made into vegan meat, seafood and dairy products. The company will supply ABUNDA as a B2B food ingredient to consumer brands and retailers, addressing the need for high scale supply of healthy and sustainable protein to address a rapidly growing market.

ENOUGH, with operations in Scotland, England and the Netherlands, is building a first of its kind mycoprotein factory (50,000 tonnes capacity) which will initially grow 10,000 tonnes per annum and which targets production of over a million tonnes cumulatively within 10 years of its launch in 2022.

Peak meat consumption

Recent research [1] suggests that Europe and North America will reach “peak meat” by 2025, at which point consumption of conventional meat starts to fall. The global meat-free sector is expected to hit US$290 billion in 2035.

Carla Hilhorst, EVP of R&D for Foods & Refreshment at Unilever, said: “Plant-based foods is one of Unilever’s fastest growing segments and we’re delighted to partner with ENOUGH to develop more sustainable protein products that are delicious, nutritious, and a force for good. We’re excited by the potential that this technology has for future innovations across our portfolio, and we can’t wait to launch more plant-based foods that help people cut down on meat, without compromising on taste.”

A plant-based food revolution

The game-changing protein is a natural fit for Unilever’s fast-growing meat-alternative brand, The Vegetarian Butcher, which grew over 70% in 2020. With a broad range of products for meat lovers, flexitarians, vegetarians and vegans alike, the brand is on a mission to become the largest butcher in the world by inspiring a plant-based food revolution.

The Vegetarian Butcher uses a diverse blend of plant-based proteins to create meat-like tastes and textures for its wide-ranging portfolio, which is now available in 45 countries across four continents. The Vegetarian Butcher’s recently launched vegan Raw Burger delivers the taste and tenderness of a beef burger cooked rare, while its partnership with Burger King has brought products like the Plant-Based Whopper, Plant-Based Nuggets and Vegan Royale to meat-lovers in more than 35 countries around the world.

Andrew Beasley, Commercial Director of ENOUGH, said: “Producing vast quantities of healthy and sustainable protein is one of the most urgent global priorities. There’s a rapid transition in the food industry and we are excited with this collaboration with Unilever and The Vegetarian Butcher, which truly supports our aim to create impact and scale.”

Unilever’s ‘Future Foods’ ambition

Plant-based innovations like these will support the delivery of Unilever’s strategic focus on developing the portfolio into high-growth spaces, and contribute towards its annual global sales target of €1 billion from plant-based meat and dairy alternatives by 2025-2027. The target forms part of Unilever’s ‘Future Foods’ ambition, launched globally with two key objectives: to help people transition towards healthier diets and to help reduce the environmental impact of the global food chain.

In 2019, Unilever made an €85 million investment in ‘The Hive’, a foods innovation centre at Wageningen University in the Netherlands to support research into plant-based ingredients and meat alternatives, efficient crops, sustainable food packaging and nutritious food.

Unilever has also partnered with biotech company Algenuity to explore the use of microalgae, another highly-nutritious and sustainable protein powerhouse, into a wealth of products such as mayonnaise, soups, sauces and meat alternatives.


  1. Food for Thought: The Protein Transformation (2021), Boston Consulting Group and Blue Horizon Corporation.

Dunkin’ Donuts praised for committing to use cage-free eggs at all locations globally

Dunkin Donuts

Dunkin’ Donuts, the Massachusetts-based coffee and breakfast chain with more than 11,300 locations worldwide, has won praise from animal protection non-profit Lever Foundation for committing to use only cage-free eggs at all locations globally.

The move was announced in an updated sustainability policy released by Inspire Brands, the Georgia-based holding company that acquired Dunkin’ in December 2020. “Globally, Inspire has committed to 100% sourcing of cage-free eggs across all brands by the end of 2025…Dunkin’ [is] continuing to make positive progress in their sourcing of cage-free eggs,” reads the new statement in part. Inspire had previously issued cage-free commitments for its other QSR brands that use eggs, Arby’s and Sonic, but not for Dunkin’.

“We applaud Dunkin’s commitment on this important animal welfare issue,” said Kirsty Tuxford, corporate engagement specialist at Lever Foundation, a global animal protection non-profit that worked with Dunkin’s teams in the US and Asia over the past year and a half on the commitment. “Ten of the world’s 25 largest fast food chains have now pledged that they will not source caged eggs anywhere in their global supply chains, including throughout Asia.”

Nearly 30% of Dunkin’s restaurants are located outside of the U.S., including 1,600 locations in Asia. The company’s announcement comes on the heels of similar pledges made over the past six weeks by rival donut brand Krispy Kreme as well as upscale coffee chains Caribou Coffee and Au Bon Pain, each of which also worked with Lever Foundation on setting global cage-free egg commitments.

Lever Foundation is an international animal protection non-profit with staff operating across Asia, Europe, North America, and Latin America.

Fi Europe Innovation Awards 2021

Get your entries in for the Fi Europe Innovation Awards & the Start-up Innovation Challenge 2021

Fi Europe Innovation Awards 2021

Fi Europe combined with Hi Europe, the world’s leading F&B ingredients show, will once again this year recognise outstanding achievements in the industry. Startups launched within the last 5 years are invited to share their most innovative product, service or solution by submitting an entry before 17 September for the Startup Innovation Challenge 2021, while exhibiting companies participating in the event are invited to submit their entries before 24 September for the Fi Europe Innovation Awards 2021.

There are eight categories in the Fi Innovation Awards 2021, seven of which are open to exhibitors only (online or in-person), while for the first time this year the Future of Nutrition category will honour people from non-exhibiting companies, associations or organisations.

Both the Startup Innovation Challenge and the Fi Europe Innovation Awards are well established and highly prestigious, acknowledging and highlighting ground-breaking innovations.

From ingredients, process technology and equipment, to new strategic approaches and initiatives, for many years, the Fi Europe Innovation Awards have honoured pioneering work – yet they always mirror current industry trends. This year, the finalists and winners will be chosen by a jury of industry experts chaired by Prof Colin Dennis, who is Chair of the Board of Trustees of both IFIS and the British Nutrition Foundation. The winners will be announced live in Frankfurt during Fi Europe and will be streamed online too.

Prof Dennis, who has been the Fi Innovation Awards jury chair since 2019, highlights the role the Fi Europe Innovation Awards play in recognising innovation in the F&B industry: “Innovation in the food industry is vital to its future success. Meeting consumer and market needs, while considering the health of people and the planet, diversity and inclusivity are key drivers for companies. Innovations in processes, ingredients and products continue to deliver nutritional benefits and/ or new sensory experiences. The Fi Europe Innovation Awards recognise the many exciting developments in all these areas and illustrate the pace of innovation in the sector. I very much look forward to working with colleagues on judging the entries for 2021.”

Fi Innovation Awards categories

Companies can submit an entry for one or more of the following categories. The jury will give preference to new products introduced within the last two years:

  • The Future of Nutrition Award will be presented to a person or team for actively contributing to and supporting pioneering ideas or innovative educational initiatives in food and nutrition, likely to positively impact the health and well-being of consumers. This award is open to nominations for people from non-exhibiting companies, associations or organisations.
  • The Sensory Innovation Award will acknowledge an organisation or company that has developed the best ingredient or process in terms of enhancing the sensory experience of food products such as taste, texture, smell and/ or appearance, without significantly increasing application costs.
  • The Plant-based Innovation Award will acknowledge an organisation or company that has developed the best plant-based ingredient or application based on a plant-based ingredient in terms of sensory and physical properties or application costs.
  • The Clean Label & Natural Innovation Award will acknowledge an organization or company that has developed the best clean label ingredient or process in terms of sensory and physical properties or application costs.
  • The Health Innovation Award will acknowledge an organisation or company for the development of the best ingredient or application in terms of proven contribution to digestive, cognitive, immune or physical health.
  • The Food Tech Innovation Award will acknowledge an organisation or company that has developed an innovative technical processing/ manufacturing/ packaging/ waste reduction solution or service for food ingredients or finished products.
  • The Sustainability Innovation Award will acknowledge an organisation or company for a measurable supply chain strategy that champions environmental, economic or socially sustainable practices in the F&B industry.
  • The Diversity & Inclusion Innovation Award will acknowledge an organisation or company for creating a work environment that offers equal opportunities for all employees irrespective of their gender, race, religious background, sexual orientation, and physical or mental ability.

Startup Innovation Challenge

 Now in its sixth year, the Startup Innovation Challenge is a unique competition aimed at supporting innovative projects within the F&B industry through a specialised support programme tailored to startup’s needs.

This contest is open to all startups with innovations targeting the F&B sector with a focus on:

  • ground-breaking ingredients / additives that improve taste, texture, appearance, and / or the nutritional value of food and beverages,
  • revolutionary processing technologies,
  • pioneering technologies or services that support the F&B industry.

The awards will be hosted in conjunction with Fi Europe combined with Hi Europe 2021, the world’s largest gathering of ingredient buyers and decision makers. Finalists will gain global exposure and meet key industry players who can help take their innovations to the next level.

Great prizes

All finalists will be invited to pre-record a presentation pitch which will be featured during the online event, as well as give a live pitch in-person at Fi Europe combined with Hi Europe 2021. The winners can look forward to prizes such as personal mentoring from a jury member of their choice, a booth at Fi Europe 2022 or an Fi Global Insights & Ingredients Network Digital Package to promote their online presence throughout the year.

Startups can select multiple categories, but will only compete in one. The shortlisting jury will determine which one is most suitable for applicants based on the information submitted.

Categories for the Start-up Innovation Challenge

  • Innovative F&B Ingredients – for innovations related to food and beverage ingredients or additives from an animal / plant / alternative source.
  • Innovative Processing Technology – for innovations related to food processing technologies that have the potential to positively impact the F&B industry.
  • Innovative Healthy F&B Ingredients – for innovations related to food and beverage ingredients or additives from an animal / plant / alternative source that contribute to digestive, cognitive, immune or physical health, with a focus on natural and / or sustainable processes.
  • Innovative Technology or Services – for innovations that support improvements in ingredients sourcing and production, food safety, traceability, transparency or supply chain management.

Enter here:

For the Fi Innovation Awards go here:

For the Startup Innovation Challenge, visit:

Uelzena Group publishes sustainability report 2020

Uelzena Group publishes sustainability report 2020

Uelzena Group publishes sustainability report 2020

The Uelzena Group has published its sixth sustainability report with the title “Designing the future together”. Progress, measures and key successes were also reported in the 2020 business year within the five action fields of company, products, production, employees, and social and regional responsibility. Data was collected in accordance with the international GRI standard.

Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions

The Uelzena Group says it is continually working on reducing greenhouse gas emissions in production. To reduce emissions along the value-added chain, the Group says it is essential to focus on the upstream processes – specifically milk production. A pilot project was initiated with the aim of decreasing avoidable emissions in this area. It looks at the carbon footprint of diary farming and milk production and demonstrates options for dairy farmers to reduce their own emissions.

Focus on togetherness

The Covid-19 pandemic turned the working and business world upside down, the company notes, pointing out that lockdown measures and their economic impact also affected employees of the Uelzena Group in a variety of ways. Positive effects included a stronger team spirit and the expansion of digital possibilities, while negative effects were caused by the many necessary process adjustments. Ensuring the health and safety of the employees whilst also sustaining the business processes as a milk-processing company was a major challenge that Uelzena was able to handle successfully.

Sustainable milk production

Incorporating sustainability aspects with regard to the primary ingredient of milk holds an especially high priority for Uelzena as a milk-processing company. In 2020, the volume of raw milk supplied rose by further seven percent. 76 percent of this milk is VLOG certified, which means that no genetically modified crops are used in the cattle feed.

In order to investigate aspects of sustainability at the level of milk production, Uelzena participates in the QM sustainability module milk.

Italian blood orange

Synergy Flavours adds to its citrus portfolio with new Italian extracts

Bergamot from Calabria, Italy

Bergamot from Calabria, Italy


Synergy Flavours has drawn on the 130-year heritage of its Italian business to develop a new Italian Provenance citrus range, which taps into consumer demand for premiumisation and increased product transparency. The extracts, developed using traditional extraction techniques to produce distillates, infusions and washes, include Calabrian lemon, Italian blood orange, Italian bergamot, Sicilian blonde orange, Sicilian mandarin, Sicilian lemon and Ligurian / Sicilian chinotto.

The new extracts deliver signature flavours to products from beverages, to baked goods and dairy products. Customers can add a sweet and juicy taste to their products with Sicilian blonde orange, or a complex sweet and sour note with Sicilian mandarin. For a distinct fresh, zesty aroma with a bitter and pungent profile, they can consider Italian bergamot, which is particularly suited to tea (Earl Grey), juices and alcoholic beverage applications.

Giorgio Ferluga, technical manager, Synergy Flavours Italy, commented: “Italy is world-renowned for citrus and particularly lemon, which has been cultivated here for over 1,000 years. Processing the highest quality fruits directly from nature in a sustainable way enables us to deliver natural and authentic citrus profiles that meet the specific application requirements of our customers. Our contracts and agreements with domestic suppliers in Italian growing regions guarantee reliable and efficient supply. Alongside this, our rich heritage and citrus know-how means we can help provide new inspiration to our customers so that they can excite consumers’ taste buds.”

Italian blood orange


Synergy has decades of experience in developing citrus profiles using a range of extraction methods and using different techniques to create natural flavours. This expertise has culminated in Synergy’s new global Citrusology programme, which includes a series of educational webinars, that help food and beverage manufacturers to explore the nuances of flavour across regions and citrus varieties. The goal of this programme is to help customers find their path to provenance, whether that be through a natural flavour which delivers a signature tone and is reminiscent in profile to the provenance material, or by enabling provenance declarations through named source ingredients, such as the new Italian extracts.

Vicky Berry, European Business Development Manager, Synergy Flavours, commented: “While provenance is a growing trend for consumers, manufacturers have many choices and considerations when it comes to creating a provenance-inspired citrus product. In some markets and for some consumers, using named source materials is the preference, however, there are regulations and supply considerations to be taken into account. There is no ‘one size fits all’ and a whole world of possibilities exist when innovating with citrus. We work collaboratively with every customer to help them to take their citrus products to a new level.”

CaneRite Panela

International Molasses introduces powdered sweetener made from cane juice

CaneRite Panela

International Molasses, a leading supplier of molasses and natural sweeteners, has introduced CaneRite™ Panela, an all-natural, free-flowing powder sweetener made from the freshly squeezed juice of the entire sugar cane plant. Unlike conventional “raw sugar” products, CaneRite Panela is unrefined and non-centrifuged, so that it authentically and comprehensively retains all the cane plant’s original flavor and nutritional benefits.

Characterized by mellow notes of toffee and caramel, CaneRite Panela’s flavor profile delivers a satisfying, “sweet but not too sweet” taste. Its nutritional profile is equally impressive: by keeping all nutrients inherent to the whole cane plant – including magnesium phosphorus, potassium, calcium, manganese, iron, and zinc – CaneRite Panela has five times the vitamins and minerals of raw sugar. The product is also is rich in antioxidants.

Ingredient for North American food manufacturers

Panela is a traditional staple in Latin America and many other parts of the world. Its ability to harness the

wholesomeness of cane juice has been generally ignored by food manufacturers in the United States; with CaneRite Panela, International Molasses is making the core ingredient available to North American food manufacturers in a form that is easy to use in a wide array of formulations.

CaneRite Panela is an attractive sweetener option for a variety of food applications, including spices, BBQ and other sauces, cookies, bakery items, bars and confectionary items. For solids, CaneRite Panela offers excellent binding properties and a natural brown coloring with caramel notes. For all applications, it aligns with non-GMO and clean label ingredient claims increasingly popular with modern consumers.

“CaneRite Panela combines the flavour and nutrition benefits of a sweetener widely used in other markets with an ease of formulation attractive to North American food manufacturers,” said Amy Targan, President of International Molasses and its sister company, Malt Products Corp. “It also amounts to a sort of ‘nature-made’ brown sugar, eliminating the multi-step process often utilized to produce brown sugars by combining white sugar with molasses products.”

Sustainable farms in Ecuador

CaneRite Panela is sourced from sustainable farms in Ecuador that have been recognized for their development of innovative methods of organic farming. Officially known as the ReBird-Avez Project, the initiative fosters protection and propagation of native birds and insects – and utilizes these species to control pests, thereby allowing farmers to eliminate pesticide use.