Approved bread volume method for fast and accurate analysis

A new method for determining bread volume was approved by the American Association of Cereal Chemists – International (AACCI). The method employs the BVM laser topography-based analyser from Perten. The method was assessed by a collaborative study conducted by the AACCI Physical Testing Methods Technical Committee. The method demonstrated acceptable precision for samples with volumes ranging from 200 to 2800 mL. Results were similar to volumes determined by reference water displacement analysis. The BVM method is objective, contact-free, rapid, and simple to perform, making it well suited to the requirements of the milling and baking industries. It serves as a replacement method to the laborious and less accurate seed displacement tests in current use at many test bake labs and commercial bakeries.  Additionally, the BVM volume analyser measures loaf dimensions and archives the results – including a 3D, rotatable image. The archived data and images can be used for further analysis, production quality control, and audit trails. The method has been approved as AACCI Approved Method 10-14.01.

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Antioxidants for instant drinks

NutraT line
Extracting natural ingredients from the Mediterranean diet is the expertise of Nutrafur S.A. now a member of the Frutarom group. Nutrafur S.A., Alcantarilla, Murcia, Spain, developed NutraT, a line of ready-to-use soluble powder formulas that dissolve easily in water, soft drinks and dairy products. Once the powders dissolve, the beverage stays clear, without turbidity, and deliverS fresh fl avour. The NutraT line offers water and soft drink manufacturers the ability to fortify their products with exceptional natural extracts that typically are not watersoluble. This opens new opportunities to develop products with new flavours that include ingredients delivering the essence of a healthy Mediterranean diet. OliveT contains all the beneficial compounds from the olive, and provides more than 25% olive polyphenol content. Just 5 g/250 ml liquid provides 43-45 mg of olive polyphenols. Recent studies demonstrated that these olive extracts can help regulate blood pressure and support blood circulation. CynaxT is an exotic formulation that brings the health benefits of artichokes, with a 5% polyphenol content. Recent studies demonstrated that artichokes can help regulate serum cholesterol levels, thanks to the plant’s choleretic and diuretic properties. A single 5 g/250 ml liquid shot of CynaxT mixed with water or another beverage provides 25 mg of polyphenols and supports renal water elimination and healthy blood circulation. RosT has a high-phenolic compound content with a significant antioxidant capacity and preserves its pleasant taste. Products fortified with RosT allow beverage producers to position their product as a “beauty from within” drink or as a “better sleep” aid. RosT’s 5 g/250 ml provide 50 mg polyphenols. CitroT is a soluble extract with a high bioflavonoid content. Citrus bioflavonoids are known to provide a protective effect on the cardiovascular system. A concentration of 5 g/250 ml liquid provides 340 mg of citrus bioflavonoids. All four mixes are produced using sustainable sources, are heat stable at up to 70°C, and both Kosher and Halal certified. NutraT can be incorporated into a food or beverage matrix, such as water, fruit juice, yoghurt, kefir or milk, or as a final product in powder sticks, sachets or inside of a powder-dispensing bottle cap for preparing enhanced beverages immediately before use.
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Antioxidant supplement

Palm-based tocotrienol
Palm-based tocotrienol
VitaTrin is a palm-based tocotrienol, a member of the Vitamin E family of molecules. The Vit. E family contains eight compounds, classified into two groups, the tocopherols and tocotrienols, that vary slightly in chemical structure. Tocotrienols are powerful antioxidants capable of neutralising free radicals, which can cause tissue and cellular damage. Recent research has shown that the basic antioxidant activity of tocotrienol is enhanced in in vivo biological settings. Well absorbed by the body, a daily supplement of VitaTrin thus helps to prevent free radical damage and to maintain a healthy balance for a healthy body. In ths way, end-consumers get the assurance that they are taking practical and effective steps to protect and maximise their overall wellbeing. VitaTrin is 100% non-GMO, vegetarian and kosher-certified.
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Antibiotic residue test – official in the Netherlands

Delvotest T
DSM Food Specialties’ Delvotest T was chosen by QLIP, Dutch partner in quality assurance in the agrofood chain, as the national reference test to detect antibiotic residues in milk. The broad spectrum test was selected because of its high sensitivity and reliability. The test is fully compliant with Dutch dairy regulations, promoting a high quality milk supply throughout the whole dairy chain, from farmer to dairy to consumer. QLIP is commissioned by Dutch dairy companies to determine the composition and quality of farm milk samples. The analyses they perform meet the specific requirements of the official Dutch dairy regulations and detect the most relevant residues at or below the European Maximum Residue Levels (MRLs). Delvotest T is a broad spectrum test which identifies a variety of antibiotics at or below EU MRLs with higher sensitivity for tetracyclines than any other microbiological screening test. QLIP selected Delvotest T because the test is closest to the aimed detection level and because of its robust performance and consistent results. In the Netherlands, there is a successful programme in place to reduce the usage of antibiotics in general. A test like Delvotest T is an important tool to safeguard the suitability of milk that forms the basis for the broad range of Dutch dairy products.

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Anti-staining pouch

Anti-staining pouch
Ready-made meals and sauces with high fat content and strong colours often have an undesired side effect on the packaging – they leave stains. An attractive appearance and long shelf life are two key factors in convenience food, This new retort packaging ensures the highest barrier properties whilst sustaining opacity and enabling high-quality designs. Pouches have gained more and more importance, as they are convenient, safe and attractive packaging solutions for the food, pet-food and non-food sector. Eye-catching appearances at the point of sale are mandatory to successfully differentiate from competitors on the market. Trendsetting designs nowadays contain widespread white areas or light colours, presenting challenges for retort packaging. An innovative material concept, offers customers excellent barrier and filling properties as well as a stainless appearance of colour-intense products. The growing demands of the convenience food market have triggered several innovations in packaging in recent years. A major advantage of this innovation is that it can be filled and processed in the same way as standard pouches. The special laminate not only guarantees highest safety and mechanical resistance but also offers an additional feature – it ensures the straight and easy tear-away opening of the pouch. The special material structure has excellent barrier properties for instance against oxygen transmission. Throughout the retort process, the laminate retains its attractive appearance and prevents grease stains and discolouring – even with white designs. Thanks to the high opacity an attractive visual appearance is guaranteed during the entire shelf life of the product. The novel material structure also enables a clean and straight tearing of the pouch, which is especially advantageous with sauces. Subsequently, the Anti-Staining-Pouch is the ideal packaging solution for ready-made tomato, curry or chilli dishes with high fat content and intense colours as well as the pet food industry.

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Anti-rancidity protection for traditional sausage products

Anti-rancidity protection for traditional sausage products. An all-natural rosemary preservative for anti-rancidity protection of fresh traditional merguez and chipolatas sausages, VivOX 4 is an oil-soluble, water-dispersible product that can increase shelf life while keeping typical organoleptic characteristics and microbial stability. Merguez and chipolatas are fresh-type sausages made out of beef, pork, chicken and/or lamb. Due to high-fat content they are highly sensitive to oxidation and can rapidly undergo unwanted organoleptic changes, including rancidity. By adding the allergen-free preservative, the shelf-life of these sausages can be extended by 65-80% in comparison to unprotected sausages, while maintaining original taste and flavour components. The preservative outperforms gold standards for these types of sausage products, i.e. citric and ascorbic acid.

Anti-rancidity protection for traditional sausage products
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Anti-rancidity protection for ready meals

Ready meals
Ready meals
New findings on VivOX 4, an all-natural preservative that is produced and marketed by Vitiva, suggest that effective anti-rancidity protection is conferred for various types of meat-based ready meals. This versatile oil-soluble, water-dispersible formula helps increase shelf life and reduces warmed over flavour (WOF), while retaining the important organoleptic characteristics of the product. Production of meat-based ready meals includes thermal processing that affects the fats present in food and increases their oxidative instability. This instability is even greater when foods are battered and fried, due to oil pick up of fried products such as chicken nuggets, battered fish etc. During cooling, freezing, transportation and warehousing, there is an increased exposure to oxygen and light, which accelerates unwanted changes of ready meals such as rancidity, organoleptics characteristics and appearance of WOF. By adding allergen-free VivOX 4 formula, the shelf life of meat-based ready meals can be extended by 2-5 times in comparison to control samples that utilise traditional synthetic ingredients, while still maintaining the original taste and flavour profile.
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Anion column for complex sample matrices

The IonPac® AS25 anion-exchange hydroxide selective column is a high capacity column designed for gradient separation of multivalent anions and polarizable anions (iodide and perchlorate) including sulphur species (sulphite, sulphate, thiocyanate and thiosulphate). The column simplifies the determination of polarizable anions by using an isocratic hydroxide eluent with no solvent required for the separation. Analysis time is approximately 30 minutes. The key application is sulphur speciation in complex sample matrices including food and beverage samples. The elimination of solvents reduces waste disposal costs and allows the customer to use RFIC-EG technology for this application. The column is available in 4 × 250 mm, 2 × 250 mm and 0.4 × 250 mm formats supporting flow rates from 0.010 to 3 mL/min. Capillary and microbore formats provide low eluent consumption and improved sensitivity.
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Animal protein ingredients

Animal protein
Nölke Pure Ingredients focusses natural animal protein concentrates. The company does not offer its customers “ready-made products”, but emphasises service and a high level of flexibility. All items manufactured at the Versmold site can be customised to meet clients’ individual requirements and specifications. The targeted use of different batches of raw materials for example, influences solubility and amino acid composition; the functionality of individual protein factors is defined by regulating the temperature and pH value. Fresh and natural ingredients are exclusively utilised to produce broths, stocks and extracts. Chicken, turkey and beef, as well as game and fish, provide the raw materials for the variety of choice products manufactured by the company. Production at the Versmold site focusses on wet goods; poultry extracts are also offered in powder form. Approximately 50% of the broths and stocks produced are exported, including halal-certified goods, specifically produced for the Muslim market. Animal protein concentrates are an indispensable ingredient of many convenience products. They are used in all types of ready meals such as soups, sauces, stocks, as well as pasta and pan-fried dishes. As chilled foods and frozen meals have been achieving high levels of sales in recent years, Nölke Pure Ingredients is participating in the high growth of this trend segment by focussing on the product area. The potential for ready meals has not been exploited – by far. The company’s cooperation with industrial customers
constantly opens up new application areas for functional proteins.

Heinrich Nölke GmbH & Co. KG
Versmold, Germany

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Animal fats in baked goods

As a leading supplier of animal fats, UNIMELT produces versatile fats of high quality which can be used in many different ways for a wide range of products. Animal fats in baked foods have been shown to lead to a very special taste experience and different fats can give different functionalities in end-product applications. Natural beef fat gives a special quality to rolls, stollens and puff pastries. Lard enhances the taste of doughnuts, for example, as a deep fat.The beloved German yeast “snail” pastries are just one of the baked goods made with goose fat. Analysis with beef fat in rolls shows that by adding beef fat instead of baking margarine or butter, a higher yield can be reached with a lower fat quantity than with butter and baking margarine respectively, while the rolls remain nice and crispy.
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