Nestlé to improve livelihoods of cocoa-farming families with new income accelerator programme

Nestlé, a Swiss multinational food and drink processing conglomerate and the world’s largest food & beverage company, has announced a new plan to tackle child labour risks in cocoa production with the introduction of an innovative income accelerator programme aimed at improving the livelihoods of cocoa-farming families, while also advancing regenerative agriculture practices and gender […]

Headspace sampling using HiSorb high-capacity sorptive extraction for flavour profiling of foods and beverages

Summary This study demonstrates the performance of HiSorb™ high-capacity sorptive extraction probes for flavour profiling of two samples – cider and potato snacks (crisps) – contrasting the unflavoured product with those that have had flavourings added. HiSorb is a solvent-free technique utilising a high- capacity sorptive phase to ensure good extraction efficiency and is readily […]

Working with an extruder means creating something new every day

Control colour, shape, texture and nutrition Meat alternatives, crunchy snacks and high-protein baked goods are the on-trend applications of the moment. Each of these products and the processes involved in producing them imposes different demands on the extruded source material to achieve an optimal end product. The Crespel & Deiters Group is therefore investing in […]

Study demonstrates BENEO’s ingredients suit personalised nutrition

A study [i] published recentlty in Frontiers of Nutrition conducted by Perfood, Germany, in collaboration with the University of Lübeck, Germany, demonstrates that BENEO ingredients support a personalised nutrition approach. BENEO’s first citizen science study conducted under real-life conditions further confirms the health benefits of BENEO’s slow-release carbohydrate Palatinose™ and the prebiotic fibre Orafti®Synergy1 [ii]. The results show that both ingredients improve blood glucose control and that the latter also beneficially modulates gut microbiota through a significant increase in beneficial bifidobacteria.

This is the first study of its kind to investigate the effects of a BENEO diet combining Palatinose™ and Orafti Synergy1 in healthy adults in a real-life situation using the citizen science approach. Instead of controlled conditions where all participants eat and drink in a strict and well-controlled manner during the trial, participants in this study consumed BENEO’s ingredients in addition to their normal diet. The effects observed were robust even in such a very heterogenous population and not overruled by the habitual diet and usual lifestyle.

Palatinose (isomaltulose) is the only fully digestible and slow-release carbohydrate (disaccharide), providing standard carbohydrate energy (4 kcal/g) and a low glycaemic response (GI32).

Palatinose ©BENEO

Orafti Synergy1 (oligofructose-enriched inulin) is a unique composition of inulin and oligofructose. It is a dietary fibre and at the same time a scientifically proven prebiotic, confirmed by International Scientific Association for Pro- and Prebiotics (ISAPP). Chicory root fibres are not digested by human enzymes and are thereby unavailable for glucose release into the blood stream meaning their consumption does not raise blood glucose levels. In the colon they are fully and selectively fermented by beneficial bacteria. As proven prebiotics, their intake is associated with several health benefits.

Two dietary interventions
Two dietary interventions were included in the study, targeting the support of blood glucose management, as well as the gut microbiota by increasing the beneficial bacteria (Bifidobacteria). The participants took part in a test phase over 14 days during which, in addition to the habitual diets, over three days they consumed drinks with either 30 g sucrose or 30 g Palatinose twice a day (for breakfast and lunch together with the habitual meal). Orafti Synergy1 (10g/d) was added to their usual dinner for 11 days. Continuous blood glucose monitoring (CGM) was applied to evaluate the blood glucose response throughout, with stool samples collected at the beginning and end of the test phase and analysed using a gut microbiome RNA sequencing technique to measure the compositional changes of the gut microbiota.

The findings highlight the added value of BENEO’s ingredients for everyday life through various applications. When added to the individual diet, beneficial effects that were previously shown in controlled clinical studies could also be demonstrated in an habitual diet situation. In comparison to sucrose, Palatinose showed a lower blood glucose response, a lower and more balanced blood glucose profile for the day, plus a slow release and sustained glucose supply. The positive effects of Orafti Synergy1 supplementation were also demonstrated in this real-life situation through a significant increase in beneficial bifidobacteria and a significant decrease in glycaemic variability over time. The decrease in glycaemic variability over time was irrespective of the carbohydrate consumed and therefore is a beneficial effect that can be regarded as synergistic to the Palatinose related effects on blood glucose management. These latest findings demonstrate that the combination of Palatinose and Orafti Synergy1, independently of each other, supports blood glucose management for improved metabolic health. Therefore, incorporating these functional ingredients as part of a healthy diet can improve the diet quality, also in the context of personalised nutrition, and contribute to overall better health.

Real life
Anke Sentko, Vice President Regulatory Affairs & Nutrition Communication at BENEO comments: “For the first time, the health benefits of our ingredients that have already been proven in numerous clinical studies under controlled circumstances, are now confirmed in complex real-life situations. These recent study results show that food choices matter and demonstrate how functional ingredients can help to support health. The study design also demonstrates that both BENEO’s Palatinose and Orafti Synergy1 deliver health benefits in the context of personalised nutrition by addressing individual dietary needs, a diet approach that is appreciated by more and more consumers when it comes to topics such as weight management and ensuring a healthy body and mind.

“Furthermore, the demonstration of the synergetic effect of the two ingredients related to the decrease in glycaemic variability over time was particularly exciting for us: it finally confirms that microbiota composition and blood sugar management are closely interrelated. Therefore BENEO’s functional ingredients Palatinose and Orafti Synergy1 offer a holistic approach.”


i. Kordowski A, Künstner A, Schweitzer L, et. al. (2022) PalatinoseTM (Isomaltulose) and Prebiotic Inulin-Type Fructans Have Beneficial Effects on Glycemic Response and Gut Microbiota Composition in Healthy Volunteers – A Real-Life, Retrospective Study of a Cohort That Participated in a Digital Nutrition Program. Frontiers in Nutrition 9 (7 March 2022). doi: https://doi.org10.3389/fnut.2022.829933

ii. Orafti®Synergy1 is an oligofructose‐inulin combination containing shorter chain inulin (oligofructose DP < 10) and longer chain inulin (inulin DP ≥ 10) in an approximate 50:50 ratio ± 10% each. Beneo‐Orafti, Tienen, Belgium

Puratos Regrained collaboration

Puratos and ReGrained collaborate to provide upcycled solutions for the bakery industry

Puratos, Regrained collaboration

Puratos and ReGrained have established a partnership to provide upcycled solutions for the commercial baking industry through an exclusive collaboration and supply agreement. With their complimentary areas of expertise, ReGrained and Puratos are well-positioned to offer ‘sustainable’ solutions that are increasingly in demand in the food industry.

ReGrained’s Upcycled Food Lab is a leading innovation platform for upcycled product development. ReGrained SuperGrain+, its first certified upcycled ingredient derived from brewer’s spent grain, delivers a minimum of 3.5-times the dietary fibre and 2-times the plant protein of whole grain flours while lowering net carbs. The international group Puratos brings an unparalleled depth of global expertise in natural fermentation, health and wellbeing, enzyme-based technologies, and consumer insights. Together, they share a customer-centric and agile approach for creating scalable and highly marketable baked goods.

Regrained's SuperGrain+

Regrained’s SuperGrain+

Bakery is big business in the United States. The industry exceeded $55 billion in 2020 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 4.8% by 2027. Consumer tastes and expectations for baked goods are rapidly shifting to more healthy, low-carb and high-fibre options in convenient formats. Concurrently, 42% of consumers report an increased awareness of the environmental impact their food choices represent, while consumer consciousness of the positive impact food waste mitigation has on the climate crisis has grown 71% since 2019.

“This partnership offers powerful tools for the commercial baking industry to unlock the upcycled food opportunity at scale,” said Dan Kurzrock, Founder & CEO of ReGrained. “Together we can bring clean, elevated nutrition, superb flavour and real sustainability to some of human civilization’s most time-honored food traditions.”

Michael Gleason, Product Manager of Bakery for Puratos USA, said: “Puratos aims to be the most reliable partner in innovation for the baked goods and chocolate market, which is why we invest so heavily in research and development. We’re committed to helping the next generation create a better and healthier world for all. ReGrained’s leadership in upcycled food innovation is a great fit with our strategic mission.”

StePac Xflow packaging

StePac’s automated modified atmosphere packaging boosts Chile’s cherry exports to China

StePac Xflow packaging

StePac’s lean, automated Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP) solutions gained rave reviews among Chilean cherry packers and exporters especially during the recent China cherry export season ahead of the recent Chinese New Year celebrations. The novel packaging formats have proven instrumental in helping the packers make the transition from manual to faster and more efficient automatized processes to counter labour shortage hurdles.

In response to the boom in Cherry exports from Chile to China and the rest of Asia, Chilean packers are using StePac’s novel, lean Xflow proprietary films inbuilt with properties specifically tailored for automated bulk-packaging and long-term storage and shipment of cherries. Packers proclaim Xflow has drastically lowered the dependency on labour and has enhanced food safety by minimizing handling during the packing process. Beyond the boost in operational efficiency, the packaging represents a considerable reduction in plastic packaging and stakeholders are enjoying the benefits of MAP technology, specifically the extension of product shelf life, reduction in food waste and lowered shipping costs associated with sea freight.

The fresh produce packaging innovators have been working with Chilean distributor Empack to diversify its portfolio of bulk and retail packaging to meet the evolving logistical needs for this high-demand fruit and to preserve its full freshness, flavor and nutritional value on its journey from Chile to Chinese consumers which can take 35 days.

Less plastic

The versatile film is especially suited to 2.5kg and 5kg packages and is easily adapted to automatic fillers and packaging lines, allowing for reduced handling and thus significantly less manpower. The lean film also effectively reduces plastic consumption by up to 40%. This product was successfully used by more than a dozen exporters of cherries during the 2021/22 Chilean cherry season.

“The exponential growth in cherry exports, coupled with major labour shortages, created major challenges for Chilean cherry packing houses, calling for more sophisticated packing operations to accommodate both jump in volume and the short and intensive packing season for cherries,” explained Gary Ward, Ph.D., Business Development Manager for StePac.

StePac Xflow flow pack

With more than 44,000 hectares (almost 110,000 acres) of land dedicated to cherry cultivation yielding more than 300,000 tons in annual cherry exports, Chile is the leading global exporter of cherries and is on a trajectory for further year-to-year growth. More than 95% of cherries grown in Chile are exported to the Far East, mainly China, with the bulk of shipments timed to arrive in time for the Chinese New Year. Cherries are considered an ideal gift for the Chinese New Year, as their red colour and round shape represent fortune, prosperity, and eternity in Chinese tradition.

Xgo resealable lidding film makes waves in e-Commerce

Meanwhile in China, StePac’s Xgo resealable top-seal/lidding film has been making waves in the e-Commerce and retail sectors since the last Chilean cherry season.

“This attractive, functional retail packaging solution was designed to take the value of StePac’s MAP technology all the way to the consumer and has been eagerly embraced by our customers in China,” said Guillermo Perez, category manager for Empack. “We currently supply 20 Chilean exporters cherry punnets sealed with personalized printed-lidding films that house smaller 500g-2kg cherry volumes for the Chinese retail sector.”

Xgo’s advanced, lightweight top seal is infused with StePac’s MAP life-extension properties. That preservation activity is regenerated each time the label is resealed, making it ideal for multiple cherry servings. The films can also be easily integrated into automated cherry packing lines and save the need for repacking in China.

“The two novel products have garnered excellent feedback from our Chilean partners. They have reported up to 50% reduction in labour costs associated with sealing, while the customers in China welcomed the boost in customer experience owed to the new lidding film,” said Ward. “We found a strong partner in Empack, who massively invested in flowpack and topseal machinery to propel the smooth transition to automation and to support customers that don’t have their own. Based on these unqualified successes, we are eyeing the northern hemisphere cherry market and expect our products to be adopted widely there in the forthcoming season.”

  • StePac’s full line of advanced MAP products will be showcased at the upcoming Fruit Logistica 2022 in Berlin, April 5-7.
  • For more information, visit:
Future Crops basil

Future Crops sowing proprietary basil seeds to give herb long shelf life

Future Crops basil

The Netherlands-based AgriTech start-up Future Crops, is boosting output of a pure, high-yielding basil variety it successfully adapted for cultivation in the company’s primarily solar powered 2,000m2 vertical farm. The advanced, clean-farming technique for this aromatic basil variety will impart a long shelf life and secure a steady supply of locally grown, pesticide-free herb to the European market.

The proprietary seeds were developed at the Israeli Agricultural Research Organization (ARO) by Nativ Dudai, PhD, professor and head of The Unit of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants. Dudai is considered a prominent global figure in the mapping, breeding and development of basil varieties. His research team was the first in the world to sequence the whole sweet basil genome.

Royal herb, royal treatment

Designated the “king of herbs,” basil is one of the leading three herbs marketed in Europe, alongside mint and coriander. Its distinct aromatic qualities make it a favorite of the culinary world, yet because of its soft delicate leaves, it is unusually demanding to cultivate. Basil requires a minimum of five hours of sunshine daily, and thrives in warm, temperate subtropical climates. It is highly sensitive to cold, making northern Europe a less than ideal spot for growing basil. Basil also carries a characteristically short shelf life, as its tender leaves blacken and wilt easily.

“Most of the basil varieties today have been developed to grow in the outdoors in open fields as well as green houses,” explains Dudai. “Our goal was breeding varieties that would best fit the novel vertical farming paradigm. Our breakthrough in sequencing the basil genome gave us the modern molecular tools for developing cultivars imbued with very specific desired genetic characteristics. We in particular searched for such traits as resilience to environmental stressors, yield capabilities, as well as flavor and textural properties.”

Natural breeding creates the perfect seed

Thanks to extensive shared agronomical know-how and access to Professor Dudai’s impressive seed bank and database, basil seeds harboring all the desired traits were selected and brought together via a process of natural breeding in order to create the perfect seed for cultivation in a vertical farm. This was achieved without genetic modifications or editing. Dudai notes that the team has developed a number of different herb seed varieties via this method. The start-up has finalized negotiations with the ARO Institute to purchase exclusive licensing rights to these seeds for commercialization worldwide.

Future Crops developed ideal climate conditions for its basil, allowing it to thrive year-round even during the cold Dutch winter. Equipped with precision agricultural technology, this signature basil crop is grown on a unique, nutrient-enriched soil-like substrate, with all cultivation parameters – including light, temperature, wind, and humidity, fully controlled.

“Plants behave very differently in closed environments versus in an open field,” says Gary Grinspan, CEO and co-founder of Future Crops. “We are constantly observing and tuning into their growth needs to mimic the outdoor field ambience as much as possible.” As a result of these arduous measures, Future Crops’ vertically farmed basil has almost tripled its yield over the last three years and boasts a shelf life that stretches over two weeks under optimum storage conditions. It also possesses a distinctive, appealing flavor and fragrance that captivates chefs and is completely free of pesticides.

basil pesto

Basil for food producers

“Our basil has received excellent feedback from Genoa residents, who claim it to be as good as the globally renowned Genovese basil,” Grinspan adds. Genovese basil is considered to be the gold standard in basil cultivation, unmatched in quality and flavor, and a favorite of pesto producers.

Future Crops grows a range of basil varieties, including cinnamon, lemon, lime, and Thai basil. With a focus on the retail and foodservice sectors, the company says it is also targeting food producers, especially makers of pesto.

“We have been able to supply a premium pesto brand with basil that was not appropriate for retail but ideal for use as the base for a condiment,” explains Grinspan. “This proved instrumental in reducing waste while enabling us to provide high-quality product at a reasonable cost, thus using 100% of the crop and contributing to sustainable sourcing and farming.”

VTT and EIT FAN third agritech and foodtech accelerator

Startups invited to VTT and EIT FAN third agritech and foodtech accelerator

VTT and EIT FAN third agritech and foodtech accelerator

The VTT-led FAN Helsinki Hub organises a completely free-of-charge acceleration programme for agritech and foodtech startups solving global food system challenges. Applications can be submitted until the end of February. Ten innovative startups will be selected for the four-month programme and they will receive individual mentoring from academic and commercial programme partners. To date, the FAN Helsinki acceleration programme alumni have raised over €40 million in funds.

EIT Food is Europe’s largest agrifood startup community bringing together entrepreneurs with one goal: solving the global food system challenges through science and technology-based innovations. The EIT Food Accelerator Network’s (FAN) seven hubs provide acceleration programmes to support science and breakthrough of technology-driven startups. The startups are guided by local mentors and partner organisations. They will also have access to a global partner network, including over 40 companies such as Danone, Pepsico, John Deere, Döhler and Zoetis.

In the past two years, the EIT FAN Helsinki hub has supported the growth of 20 selected agrifood startups. The Helsinki hub is led by VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, and the University of Helsinki continues as its main partner. One of the programme’s main goals is to help the startups raise funds – to date, the FAN Helsinki acceleration programme alumni have raised over €40 million in funds.

“We are now on the lookout for applications by innovative agrifood startups with a focus on sustainable agriculture or digital traceability. We accept applications from all pre-seed stage startups across Europe. As the FAN Helsinki Hub is in the geographical proximity of the Baltics and Poland, we would love to welcome teams also from that area this year. Previously we have selected teams from Finland, Sweden, Belgium, and Austria,” says VTT’s Co-Creation Manager and EIT FAN Helsinki Hub leader Mirva Lampinen.

The application period for Helsinki hub’s third acceleration programme runs until the end of February. A panel of impartial experts will select ten teams for the four-month programme starting in June.

The EIT FAN acceleration programmes provide startups with a unique opportunity to receive high-quality mentoring without future commitment or fees. Last year, one of the FAN Helsinki acceleration programme’s participants, Volare, found themselves quickly at the same table with the programme’s corporate partner, the Paulig Group.

“We started facilitated discussions with the Paulig Group during the programme, and the discussions led to a collaboration. We now have inspiring plans for the future together. The EIT FAN Helsinki programme provided us with many tools, sparring, and connections that have enabled us to achieve so much in such a short time,” says Volare’s COO, Jarna Hyvönen.

Alumni success stories paint an encouraging picture for future programmes

The FAN Helsinki acceleration programme has received excellent feedback from the participating startup teams.

“Since completing our EIT FAN participation in the autumn of 2020, things have been progressing exponentially at Mycorena. Most notably, we closed a €7.7 million funding round in June of the following year, a process that was greatly helped by the insights on fundraising and due diligence processes from the programme and its fantastic mentors. Without EIT FAN, we would not be where we are today,” says Helsinki programme alumnus Anton Johansson, CFO at Mycorena.

Last year, the FAN Helsinki Hub received over 80 applications from 21 countries, which made it possible to select a high-quality set of teams for the programme. The Helsinki Hub has facilitated over 40 matchmaking sessions and run 7 EIT funded pilots during the past two programmes. This year, the target is to increase the number of pilot projects.

EIT FAN provides agrifood startups with great collaboration opportunities

The EIT FAN grew by another regional hub last November when the French hub was opened in Paris. The network also gained a new global partner from the international food markets, International Flavors and Fragrances IFF. The EIT FAN core partners provide unique collaboration opportunities to all startups in the programme.

The EIT FAN Helsinki hub consists of a vast network of local experts and mentors with both commercial and academic backgrounds as well as the programme’s local corporate partners. The 2022 programme will start on June 8th.

This year the Helsinki Hub welcomes a new corporate partner to the acceleration programme, Lantmännen Group.

“Lantmännen is excited to join EIT FAN Helsinki Hub. We strongly believe that, in the future, breakthrough innovations and disruptions require collaboration between different players in the agrifood ecosystem. Therefore, we look forward to exploring opportunities together with the startups but also providing them with support and contacts,” says Nina Tuomikangas, Project Manager Innovation at Lantmännen Group R&D.

Apply here

Register and apply here:

Simone Boitelle, Director Global Corporate Affairs FrieslandCampina (l), Yann-Gaël Rio, Danone’s Global Vice-President for Nature & Agriculture (m) and member dairy farmer Edwin Daatselaar (r)

FrieslandCampina-Danone collaboration leads to 17% greenhouse gas reduction

Simone Boitelle, Director Global Corporate Affairs FrieslandCampina (l), Yann-Gaël Rio, Danone’s Global Vice-President for Nature & Agriculture (m) and member dairy farmer Edwin Daatselaar (r)

Simone Boitelle, Director Global Corporate Affairs FrieslandCampina (left), Yann-Gaël Rio, Danone’s Global Vice-President for Nature & Agriculture (centre) and member dairy farmer Edwin Daatselaar (right)


A three year collaboration between FrieslandCampina and Danone has led to more than 17% reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (measured from 2015 to 2020). This reduction has been realised through FrieslandCampina’s dairy farmers implementing sustainable farming practices and green energy projects. This is applied for dairy ingredients specifically provided to Danone. FrieslandCampina used the Annual Nutrient Cycling Assessment to track progress resulting from the sustainable farming practices. This extensive monitoring tool is used by almost 10,000 FrieslandCampina member dairy farms and gives farm specific insights, such as the size of their carbon footprint.

 Committed to making our food system more sustainable, FrieslandCampina and Danone are both running extensive sustainability programmes to reduce their environmental impact. Both companies have committed to reaching net zero, as one of their climate goals, as well as improving soil health and biodiversity. One of the ways to achieve these goals is through regenerative agriculture practices. FrieslandCampina and Danone both want to support farmers on the journey towards a sustainable future, which led to this partnership.

Net zero and nature-positive

Simone Boitelle, Director Global Corporate Affairs FrieslandCampina noted: “For over 150 years already, FrieslandCampina believes in cooperation to achieve great results. And this collaboration is yet another great example. Supporting farmers to produce milk in balance with nature, is the key to a more sustainable, climate neutral and nature positive future. I am very proud of our member farmers who make this possible, they deserve the stage for these strong results!”

Yann-Gaël Rio, Danone’s Global Vice-President for Nature & Agriculture, added: “Sustainable dairy farming is a key priority in Danone’s journey to achieving net zero emissions. This partnership demonstrates that by combining our expertise, we can accelerate the adoption of regenerative agriculture practices to help reduce the climate impact of dairy farming. While this is a great step, there is more to be done, and we are looking forward to supporting more farmers in their transition by extending this partnership for an additional three years.”

What did the FrieslandCampina dairy farmers do?

Depending on the nature of their farm, dairy farmers can take different measures to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. The impacts from the measures implemented were tracked through the Annual Nutrient Cycling Assessment. Some examples of the measures taken are:

  • More protein harvested from their own farm land, further reducing the impact from sourcing feed from far away;
  • Optimising the cow’s diet composition: keeping a well-balanced nutritious diet that supports animal health and welfare, while reducing enteric methane emissions;
  • Energy measures: generating green electricity through use of solar panels, windmills and manure digesters; avoiding fossil fuels through bio-based diesel and/or reducing energy use (for example by recovering heat from milk cooling). In addition the manure digesters not only generate renewable electricity but also help to reduce methane emissions through manure storage.

What’s next for regenerative farming?

The positive results from this partnership encouraged Danone and FrieslandCampina to extend the collaboration for an additional three years. The two companies will continue their efforts together with the goal to reduce GHG emissions resulting from the production of ingredients sourced from FrieslandCampina by over 7%. This would result in almost a 25% GHG emission reduction over the course of the multi-year collaboration.

In the coming years, FrieslandCampina and Danone say they will continue their joint efforts to create innovative solutions to scale up and accelerate the transition to regenerative farming.

wacker biosynthia

WACKER and Biosyntia to develop large-scale production process for sustainable biotin


wacker biosynthia

Danish biotech company Biosyntia and the Munich-based WACKER Group will form a partnership to develop a large-scale production process for fermentation-based biotin. The aim of the collaboration is to make fermentation-based biotin available for the market as a sustainable, non-chemical, European-sourced alternative. The biotin currently available on the market is synthetically produced from non-renewable petrochemicals.

Biotin, also known as vitamin B7, is a coenzyme for the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) attributes health-promoting effects to biotin, including, for example, that it contributes to normal functioning of the nervous system and macronutrient metabolisms as well as to the maintenance of normal skin and hair.

Demand for biotin, which is also used as a dietary supplement, is rising sharply – driven by the health and well-being trend. A recent study predicts growth of around 10 percent per year in the coming years. In 2026, the global biotin market is expected to reach a volume of US$376 million.

Sustainable fermentation, the future of production

WACKER and Biosyntia will jointly develop a large-scale biotin production process based on sustainable fermentation. The companies are dedicating considerable R&D resources in a multi-year program, which will build on Biosyntia’s world-leading biotin technology. Only plant-based raw materials will be used in the fermentative production.

“Demand for more natural products is increasing – and with it the need for companies to use ingredients that are sustainable. Producing active ingredients from advanced fermentation is the future of production,” explained Martin Plambech, CEO of Biosyntia.

Biotin has a wide range of applications in food & beverages, infant nutrition, nutraceuticals, pet food, animal feed, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics.

“With fermentation-based biotin, we want to offer customers a non-chemical, sustainable alternative that is produced in Europe,” said Susanne Leonhartsberger, President of WACKER Biosolutions, WACKER’s life science division.

Biosynthia-WACKER synergy

Biosyntia is considered a global leader in the development of fermentation processes for production of selected small molecules. The Danish biotech company has a proprietary microbial technology platform, on which it is building a rapidly growing pipeline of active ingredients for the beauty and nutrition industries. WACKER brings strong expertise in biotechnological process development and industrial-scale fermentation to the partnership. The company also has a deep understanding of requirements and regulations of the food and nutraceutical industry. WACKER offers a broad portfolio here, including fermentation-based L-cysteine and solutions for formulating effective dietary supplements.