Beta-glucans in beverages to reduce cholesterol levels

A clinically proven health benefit is one
of the strongest value elements in the functional beverage market. One of the most pressing global health concerns today is high cholesterol, withn its associations with cardivascular diseases. In the past a cholesterol-lowering benefit was difficult or impossible to deliver in non-dairy beverages.
For many people, elevated cholesterol can be lowered by changes in diet and lifestyle, reducing the risk of heart disease. The most important common-sense dietary measure to lower cholesterol is reducing the amount of dietary saturated fat we consume, but we can also reduce cholesterol by increasing our intake of certain foods.

Beta-glucan: a plant-sourced cholesterol reducer

One proven cholesterol-reducing agent in food is beta-glucan. It is classified as water-soluble dietary fibre, and occurs in cereal grains such as barley and oats. The exact mechanism by which beta-glucan soluble fibre reduces cholesterol has not been identified, but the following are some of the possible mechanisms of action which have been put forward.

• Inhibition of  intrinsic cholesterol production
As a result of fermentation in the large intestine, short-chain fatty acids are produced. Via some sort of feed-back mechanism, these may, decrease intrinsic cholesterol production in the liver.
• Decrease in intestinal absorption
Beta-glucan may lead to an increase in viscosity in the intestine, This in turn could  decreases the absorption of dietary fat and cholesterol from the gut
• Increase excretion
Beta-glucans may bind bile acids in the small intestine, thus increasing excretion of cholesterol.

Barley betafibre: delivering the benefits

The concentration of beta-glucan in cereal grains is low, and is generally around 4-10 percent. This means that it is difficult to consume sufficient quantities of cereal grains to ensure that the intake of beta-glucan is sufficient to deliver a cholesterol-lowering benefit. Ideally what’s needed instead is a form of beta-glucan which enables a sufficient amount to be consumed more easily. This is the rationale behind the development of the Barliv barley betafiber product from Cargill.The product is made using a proprietary technology and displays a lower viscosity in food applications as compared to oat beta-glucan and to other barley beta-glucan products in the marketplace. Its bland flavour, neutral mouthfeel and zero colour impact, make it easy to incorporate into new and existing food formulations.

Beverages are the ideal way to deliver a cholesterol-lowering benefit. However, until now, outside of the dairy beverages sector, it has not been possible to develop acceptable products that can be effective in lowering cholesterol. The main reason for this has been the high viscosity or other significant organoleptic characteristics of traditional cholesterol lowering ingredients (e.g. oat beta-glucan) at effective dosage levels. But with the arrival of Barlív barley betafiber, new options open up for the development of acceptable cholesterol-reducing non-dairy beverages. The beta-glucan blends easily and doesn’t clump; it is completely soluble; it is stable in low pH beverages; and it is thermally stable in UHT and extrusion processes.

The proven health benefits
The most important attribute of Barlív barley betafiber is the fact that its health benefits are clinically proven. A recent clinical study showed that three grams per day significantly decreased LDL cholesterol among subjects with moderately elevated blood cholesterol levels, when consumed as part of a diet that was low in saturated fat [1]. Food products containing barley betafiber are therefore an effective option for maintaining healthy blood cholesterol levels. Emerging research indicates that the fibre may also have the potential for other health benefits in the areas of blood sugar and satiety. Increasing amounts of epidemiological evidence suggest that diets rich in cereal fibre and foods with low glycaemic index may help maintain healthy blood sugar levels [2]. Finally, research also suggests that diets rich in fibre may aid in weight management by promoting satiety at lower levels of calorie and fat intake [3].

Under current EC health claim regulations, food manufacturers can claim that products containing the barley fibre may help to maintain a healthy cholesterol level, thus contributing to heart health. However claims over and above this, implying a reduction in the risk of cardiovascular disease, would require special submission and approval.

The fact that the product is derived from barley also gives a high degree of reassurance for label-conscious consumers, and offers a genuine benefit to consumers by helping them improve their everyday diets as part of a healthy lifestyle.

1. Keenan JM et al. British Journal of Nutrition 2007;97(6):1162-1168.
2. Barclay AW et al. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2008;87(3):627-637.
3. NIH, 1994:

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Benchtop spectrophotometers for food process analysis

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Bench-top incubators with temperature control

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Belting for the confectionery industry

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Beer stabilisation product

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DSM Food Specialties
Delft, The Netherlands
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Batch weighing system

K-Tron P100 / K-Tron KT20
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Baking enzyme for improved white bread

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Bagger for pre-made wicketed bags

VS bagger
The VS bagger is an excellent entrylevel machine for both the baking and produce industry. Operated with manual loading or completely automatic operation, this easy-to-use bagger is versatile and affordable. For polyethylene and laminated, the VS bagger runs bags from 6” to 20” long and 6” to 14” wide. Reliable and compact, the stainless steel construction of the VS Bagger makes it easy to set-up, operate, and maintain. The VS Bagger can be easily integrated with a twist tie machine or a horizontal sealer. Several options are available including a plunging funnel, bag shaking to settle the product in the bag, bag support table for heavy bags, and foot pedal for semiautomatic operation.
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Bag-in-box filler

Astepo HS-LA
In the compact Astepo High Speed Low Acid bag-in-box filler (HS-LA), filling cycles are shortened by the use of electric servo motors controlling the aseptic filling head and bag feeder. Bags and fitment tooling can be changed quickly and easily and the machine can fill a wide range of bags and products using any commercial 1” spout type. Designed to meet market demand for a faster, even more reliable machine, the Alfa Laval Astepo HS-LA linear bag-in-box filler is suitable for high acid (pH <4.5) and low acid products (pH >4.5), such as juices, beverages, concentrated juices, purees, and dairy products like soft ice mix and flavoured UHT milk. Specially developed for the sterile filling of aseptic bags, from 3 to 25 litres (1/2-6 gallons) the filler is fully automatic in operation and gives a continuous filling process with a high level of reliability. Thanks to the implementation of brushless electric servo motor technology in the new filler, all the movements of the aseptic filling and the bag feeder are controlled and adjusted with extreme accuracy and smoothness of motion. This is what gives the machine the capability to fill up to 500 bags per hour, based on 10 litre bags. It also enables changeover of caps and volume to be achieved in minimum time. The bags are delivered pre-irradiated with gamma rays, with a wide variety of commercial caps of the flat rigid type, or dispensing caps, both thermal and non thermal resistant, with high or low fitments. In the Astepo HS-LA filler the parts in contact with the product are in stainless steel AISI 316. The filling valve has EHDGE certification and the machine is FDA compliant (USA). The filling head and all food contact surfaces are sterilized by steam, and the machine is fully C.I.P. cleanable. The caps are sterilized in the sterilizing tunnel with a monitored jet of vaporized hydrogen peroxide before being introduced into the filling head. All moving parts are protected by monitored steam barriers and the aseptic filling head is maintained sterile at a controlled temperature by overpressure of air. Integrated in the machine skid, the air group comprises two sterile micro filters and food grade electric heaters for heating the air that goes into the chamber and the tunnel at a monitored flow and temperature. The Astepo HS-LA filler is managed by a PLC with an operator interface terminal featuring a touch screen. It is equipped with autodiagnostics for product traceability and a fail-safe system for continuous control of the sterile conditions of the plant.
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Bacteriophages in the Detection and Control of Foodborne Pathogens

Book review
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400 pp, €138.00

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