Baby food rice starches

A new range of baby food rice starch is now available worldwide and ideal for use in fruit and vegetable based jars. Following in-depth assessment of production processes, including extensive testing, BENEO’s baby food rice starch meets and exceeds industry and regulatory requirements. The new product range also offers a wide range of nutritional and technical benefits to manufacturers. The naturally sourced texturizer qualifies for hypoallergenic, clean label, organic, as well as non-GMO products. Test trials have shown that vegetable and fruit jars with BENEO’s baby food rice starch have improved product stability in terms of viscosity, syneresis control and shelf-life. In addition, the ingredient’s small particle size creates a creamy texture without any effect on the end product’s taste or colour. Rice is furthermore highly digestible and consequently interesting for baby food applications.

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Autonomous fill level monitor

Autonomous fill level monitor. A stand-alone solution to monitor fill level of bottles, the new Checkmat 753 HF uses high-frequency measurements to accurately detect whether a bottle’s fill level is too high or too low. In contrast to X-ray or gamma-ray detection, the high-frequency process requires neither special permits nor elaborate safety precautions. The unit inspects up to 72,000 bottles per hour with maximised accuracy, and it is not affected by the material, shape or colour of the bottles. Even paper or plastic labels do not affect the measurements.
The unit can be used with all Krones fillers or labellers, and also with other makes. Its compact size means that only 150 mm of conveyor length in the direction of bottle travel is required for measuring the fill level. Thanks to a non-contact measuring process, there is no wear and tear and practically no maintenance is required. The unit is designed for user-friendly operator control via a touch-screen on the xPanel terminal, where all relevant statistical production data are also displayed as required. A teaching mode makes it easy to set up for new bottle types. Any desired number of bottle variants can be stored on the internal flash card. Software updates can be simply loaded via a USB interface.

Interpack 16.B45/D38

Autonomous fill level monitor
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Automation components for bakeries

The range extends from the automation of inverter-controlled dough mixer applications to increasing the effectiveness of the overall system (Overall Equipment Effectiveness, OEE) up to production-enhancing robot technology. For example, using the MES-IT interface module, continuous communication can be realized simply even in a heterogeneous, historically grown application structure – a so-called “brownfield” production plant – by interconnecting island solutions. Fully in line with Industry 4.0, the module acquires production data and test results at each stage of production and transmits them in real time to higher-level systems. These enable the systems to produce clear, meaningful evaluations by using Excel, SAP or pre-prepared reports. The link to existing systems can be established quickly without interrupting machine sequences. Preventive maintenance is a big issue in the food industry. If a machine fails without prior warning, the complete batch normally has to be disposed of. Flexible maintenance and service concepts like FAG SmartCheck or the life-cycle software tool MAPS offer a remedy. FAG SmartCheck, for example, detects and reports the first vibrations in a drive long before any noise is emitted. As a result, the reaction time up to machine failure is considerably greater and the maintenance cycle can be adapted to production at a suitably early stage. To increase plant flexibility and availability, it often makes sense to use robots. If several products are manufactured, packaged or removed on one line, the timing can be configured to be significantly faster and more cost-efficient by using space-saving robots and camera systems. At the same time the high hygiene standards of the food industry are met. The fully integrated automation concept iQ Platform ultimately combines all components up to robot control on one single platform and ensures seamless communication within the plant.
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Automating the flavour/fragrance laboratory

Rudolph Research Analytical have recently released an updated version of their multi parameter flavour/fragrance analysis system. that measures specific gravity, refractive index, optical rotation and colour in a run of up to 240 samples without operator intervention. There are two key features that make the system popular with labs. Firstly, the system can be customized to take the sample directly from existing bottles, allowing the QA lab to skip the decanting step. Secondly, since none of the tests are destructive, over 90% of the sample can be returned to the bottle for reuse. This is particularly important when the sample is very expensive or when only a limited sample quantity is available.

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Automatic range of cooking systems for sugar confectionery

cooking systems
A new series of cooking systems to handle every kind of sugar confectionery is being launched by Baker Perkins. Proven, unique cooking process technologies are at the heart of the AutoCook concept, backed by modular units configured to provide an efficient, automatic solution for a wide range of outputs. The cooking method depends on process and product requirements. The choice includes the Microfilm swept surface cooker, regarded as the industry standard for sugar and sugar-free high boiled and hard candies, including those with milk and cream; the Turbofilm plate pack cooking system ideal for jelly products;  the Carablend for toffee and caramel; and a dedicated fondant cooker. Cookers are integrated with skid mounted systems for weighing and mixing, dissolving, pre-cooking and colour and flavour addition. The systems are designed for easy installation, maximum efficiency and minimal cleaning and maintenance. Controls can be either stand alone or integrated with upstream and downstream systems.     
AutoCook systems cover the full range of syrup based confectionery including hard candy, lollipops, toffee, fondants, fudge, jellies and fruit snacks. A system can be configured to make a variety of products – both soft and hard candies, for example. The systems can feed most types of confectionery forming techniques, including starchless depositing, die forming, slab forming, extrusion, cut and wrap, and starch mogul processes.  

Baker Perkins
Peterborough, Cambridge, UK
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Automatic inspection system

Thanks to its high-resolution and height-adjustable line scanners as well as its powerful image processing, the I 410 model from Multivac Marking & Inspection ensures that reliable marking and quality inspection from above and below is achieved. The space-saving inspection system can be used flexibly as a stand-alone solution at the end of a packaging machine or it can be integrated seamlessly into a line.
The areas of use for the I 410 range from completeness checks on the packs, through to presence and position inspection of the labels, and right up to checking the print – and this includes pattern and character recognition, character verification and inspection of legibility and codes. The progressive image-capturing technology enables extremely good images in high resolution to be transmitted and verified even at the highest speeds within the packaging procedure.
The I 410 is designed in the Multivac Hygienic Design for use in the food industry, and it is equipped with a separate transport conveyor. The packs can either be fed in manually or transferred from an upstream transport unit. Since a motorized ejection device ensures that reject packs are ejected consistently, compressed air is not required to operate the inspection system.
The system is operated simply and reliably via the Multivac HMI 2.0. Where the unit is installed in a packaging line, it is controlled centrally via the control terminal of the packaging machine, and all processes can be controlled intuitively on the 12 inch LCD touchscreen. Multivac Line Control ensures that efficient line integration is achieved, and it enables product changes to be carried out very quickly since the setting parameters for the particular product are saved in the recipe. The inspection results are also transferred to the line-motion control of the Multivac machine, so that packs detected as rejects can be tracked and then reliably ejected from the line. This ensures that only faultless packs reach the retail outlets.
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Automatic inserter technology

tna’s inserter is designed to automatically place singular 3D objects into tna’s robag 3 vertical form, fill and seal (VFFS) packaging equipment, completely eliminating missed inserts and manual labor. Operation is simple. The operator selects a set up a program on the system’s existing touch key pad to run the tna robag 3 with inserters. tna’s inserter system is so accurate, it offers 0% missed inserts, and reduces the number of multiple inserts dramatically at inserting speeds of 100 bpm, doubling manual speeds 40-50 bpm.
Inserts are fed into an 80L hopper in a bulk or loose state where they are then vibrated on demand into the tna inserter’s rotary vibrating bowl. tna core products offer a range of robag stand-alone and turn-key systems that are renowned in the industry for bagging speed capabilities, efficiency and overall performance. The robag VFFS system has experienced much success in the snack, confectionery, biscuit, cereal, pasta, powder and fresh produce markets, and can form pillow, block bottom, quattro, string and canoe bags.
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Automated homogeniser

Automated homogeniser
The Omni LH96 Homogeniser Workstation is designed for walk-away batch processing of up to 192 samples and consists of a core processing platform that can be enhanced with a broad range of user specified modules. Optional features include: automatic pipetting, buffer dispensing, bar code reading, sample weighing and refrigeration.
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Automated high throughput LC-MS solution for water and beverage analysis

Automated high throughput LC-MS solution
An innovative LC-MS system with high resolution and accurate mass, the EQuan MAX enables new screening and quantitative capabilities that provide enhanced system flexibility and productivity. The instrument uses the power of the Exactive LC-MS, a high resolution benchtop LC-MS system powered by Oribtrap technology, designed for high throughput. In addition, the EQuan MAX can be used with the company’s full range of TSQ series triple stage quadrupole mass spectrometers, providing a comprehensive solution for the analysis of pesticides, pharmaceuticals, personal care products, endocrine disruptors and perfluorinated compounds in environmental water, drinking water and beverages. Samples are directly injected for LC/MS analysis, eliminating the need for off-line sample preconcentration. The unique online sample preparation technique reduces analysis time from days to minutes. The large injection volume (1-20mL) improves detection limits over conventional LC-MS analysis. In addition, the EQuan MAX supports injection volumes as low as 1µL. Switching between injection volumes can be automated for overnight operation and increased productivity, without the need to manually change plumbing configurations.

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Automated continuous heat treatment

Automated continuous heat treatment
A range of innovative fully engineered continuous heat treatment equipment is now available for heat treating bulk solids under controlled atmospheres. The technology ensures optimum retention of active ingredients by minimising the amount of steam and lowering the temperature required to pasteurise or to sterilise the product. The process is entirely automated and can treat products from powders to particles several centimetres in diameter. Applications include decontamination insect removal, roasting, toasting, drying and pre-cooking. Several machine parameters such as temperature profile, residence time and atmosphere can be customised so that a large range of products can be processed without damaging their organoleptic properties. In addition, the system is particularly suited for fragile and sensitive products. Products such as gums and spray-dried powders previously considered as impossible to treat are now being successfully treated in Revtech industrial units with up to  8 log reduction in pathogenic organisms.

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